Thursday, 9 September 2010

The Sisterhood of the Traveling Hijab

Let's all do this! What a phenomenon! A traveling Hijab !!!

Amplify’d from

The Sisterhood of the Traveling Hijab

Do you want to be part of this game? Sisterhood of the traveling hijab. This is a way for us to stay connected and share something in common.

1- I will get a notebook/scrapbook
2- I will write about something I wanna share about me or where I live, or my family....+Put my city's postcard
3- I will buy a hijab online
4- I will send you the notebook+hijab
5-When you receive it,you can keep it for a week,write about something you wanna share, something that happened to you when you wore the hijab,.....
6- Wash the hijab, mail hijab+scrapbook to the next person on the list
7- Let's see how far the hijab will get and how many places this hijab will see.

Let me know if you're interested to be part of this project. I will create a separate blog about it if enough people are interested. We can all be in different parts of the world, this Hijab will be the symbol of our sisterhood. Our special sisterhood connection!
1-The first time you receive the scrapbook, you will paste a postcard about your city.
2- You have to be willing to mail the scrapbook+hijab to the next person on the list regardless of where they are located.
3-You have to wash the hijab before sending it to the next person on the list
4. You have to wear the hijab that week
5. Only the people on the list can wear the hijab. You can't let your friends and/or family wear it if they are not on the list.
See more at


  1. MashAllah that sounds like a great idea. Count me in:)

  2. Sounds really interesting, let me know if you get enough people to join and when you want us to start etc :)
